Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Weekend Yard Projects!

Weekends are the BEST... and even BETTER than BEST in the Summer :) I am an outdoor lover. I would rather be outside any day of the week, and ... I live in Minnesota. That is another story but I really love it here.

So weekends are spent doing all the outside things that I love and this weekend, besides installing the new doorbell button {seen here} that arrived in the mail ... Yay, me!, we did fine tuning of bushes and landscape. Not earth shattering and maybe dull to some, but to me? It was a glorious day! It started out by running to the nursery to find some plants to go into a planter that I wanted to put on the mail boxes. A little something to pretty it up and I did have some left over Blue paint that I used on the Front Door.

I had painted the post and replaced our mailbox (on the far side in this picture) last summer.

I gathered everything together ...

Mr Man attached the wire frame in the back to the main post to keep it from blowing off or from someone deciding they wanted it for their own. I painted the box my lovely leftover Blue color and when it was dry ...

Ta Da ...

I love these plants! You can see that the two on the outside have purple in the leaves, but what you may not be able to see, the two plants in the middle have leaves that are green on top and deep purple under neath. Truly gorgeous!

This poor mailbox post has been hit a few times by the snow plow and has some gouges that you can see if you look close :)

We trimmed the trees in the front so that we can see the front of the house a bit better, mow under them easier, and not have them hanging over the driveway.

Ugh, I need to paint the window trim still. It is Ranger Station Green :)

I bought a Willow Bush that will get to be 3 - 4 feet high. I planted him where I needed a little height and I love the movement it has when the breeze blows it. I promptly named him "Will".

And ... I had to replace a Mugo Pine that didn't make it through last years winter. Here is one that did but still looks a bit rough! As long as he is fighting to survive ... he stays!

And our new pine. I am really loving our front yard and the way it is all coming together. I asked our neighbor if we could plant around the bottom of the mailbox since they put it on his property and was given his blessing to beautify! Another project for another day :)

I hope you have a magnificent day!


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In The Old Road


  1. Your yard is just gorgeous. I'm so jealous! I'm glad you had enough blue paint left over from your door for the mailbox planter. Everything looks so good...the sidewalk, the door, now the mailbox. Girl, you're on a roll! Thanks for linking up with us again :)

    All Star Block Party

  2. I love the mailbox planter. I was thinking of doing the same thing to mine. And your yard is wonderful. Thanks for linking up to the All Star Block Party.


  3. It's looking very "summery" there in MN! The pictures are fantastic. I had to laugh about the snow plow hits on the mail box post. I recall a time when I shoveled about 2 feet of snow so I could get out of my driveway. I went back, cranked up my Chevy Malibu and just as I was coming down the driveway, the snow plow pushed about 3 feet right across my drive. I know the driver didn't hear me giving him the blues, but the neighbor did1 lol

  4. It all looks great BJ.. you have done so much hard work to make your home pretty for all to see.. Be Proud of yourself~!

    I finally got a new mailbox post last week. Mine was in terrible shape .. I need to get pics of it. forgot about that till I saw yours:)

  5. BJ,
    Everything is looking so good... Boy do I need to do some work on my yard.... wanna come over and help ? LOL
    Thanks for sharing at the ALL STARS BLOCK PARTY...


  6. Wow, BJ, you have such a well-groomed yard. You and Mr. Man make a great team. Your neighbors luck out getting a view of your place. Your home and garden are beautiful.


    The mailbox planter is attractive but when I got to your landscaping in the front....ah, lovely

    1. Thank you Debra. Once it was finished it really is not much to keep up on! I was just out this morning watering some of the new plants and enjoying the yard before it gets to hot to be outside!
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