Friday, October 12, 2012

Laundry soap made of snow?!

While thinking about decorating my laundry room ... I wanted something to go along with my "Tip Jar"   

I already had the letters and the clear container...

While I was attaching the letters I was thinking about what I could use that would look like soap. We know that if you use real powder soap ... it will settle in time, get hard, and turn color with age.  I thought about Christmas snow and how light and fluffy it is! Yes, that's it! I ran to my basement (yes, I really ran! What can I say? I was excited ....) and found the Christmas storage bins. I didn't have as much as I thought from last year but you get the idea and tomorrow I will be running to Target to get some more.  (I know it is October 11th but I have been seeing Christmas sneaking into the stores)

Quick, easy, and inexpensive :) Also, a very cute addition to my laundry room!

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  1. It looks great and very fluffy like snow! Not that I know a lot about that as it doesnt snow here in Western Australia, but I can imagine it just the same :)

    1. Western Australia! How cool (or hot) is that! We are raking leaves here in the upper midwest. Rain tomorrow but you never know when the first snow fall will happen!

  2. I want a tip jar in my laundry room.



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