Thursday, May 03, 2012


Joy2Journey was awarded the "Versatile Blogger Award" 
by a very sweet lady ... Angie from "Beneath the Magnolias"
Thank you so much for thinking of me!

Here are the Rules for the Versatile Blogger Award.

1. Add the award to your blog.

2. Thank the person who presented it to you.

3. Mention seven random things about yourself.

4. List the rules.

5. Pass the award to 10 bloggers.

6. Inform each blogger that they received the award by leaving a comment on their blog.

Seven Random Things About Myself
1. I am watching "Bones" right now. (We DVR'd it Monday night)

2. We bought a BMW motorcycle last month and tonight after I got home from work ... we went out for a ride.

3. I have to work this Friday. (I normally have the day off)

4. I have 2 sisters and had a brother. 

5. I am the youngest. :)

6. I am working on a special project that is about 1/2 finished :)

7.  I love, love, love Chipotle :) (I must be hungry right now)

I am passing the award to these ten blogs

Tonya@My Cozy Little Farmhouse

Have a great day!


  1. Thanks SO much for the award. Your very sweet! :O)

  2. Bj...I just tagged you for a "Q and A" on my blogpost tomorrow morning. If it is too much, no worries...just ignore it. I've enjoyed your blog, so I wanted to share it with others!

  3. Oh thank you BJ - your so lovely xxx Nat

  4. Well done! I don't know much about this as. I' m fairly new but wish you all the best. Joan

  5. Hi BJ - I'm so sorry its taken me so long to acknowledge this award. I have done things a little differently - pop over and check out my post. xxx Natalie

  6. Hi BJ--Sorry it has taken me far to long to acknowledge this. EEEEK! I having technical difficulties (me, my brain, my computer, my email) DARN MENOPAUSE!!! Well I am blaming it on that regardless. I will get my post out to you by Monday!

    And CONGRATS to YOU!!


I just LOVE comments, questions, thoughts ... and will respond via email to them all. (If I do not have your email info I will respond on the post right below your comment. So check back!)

Thank you for stopping by!